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Discovering the Real Paralegal CEO: Chief Everything Officer

Let’s get real—when you first hear “CEO,” you probably think “Chief Executive Officer.” But for paralegals working with solo practitioners, CEO means something entirely different: Chief Everything Officer. Yes, you read that right. You’re not just juggling tasks; you’re running the entire show.

A symphony playing string instruments

The Symphony of Solo Practice

Imagine being the director of a symphony. Sounds glamorous, right? Now imagine that you’re also the one playing every single instrument—simultaneously. That’s what it’s like being a paralegal for a solo practitioner. One minute you’re organizing client files, the next you’re managing the calendar, drafting documents, answering calls, and maybe even brewing the coffee. It’s a wild ride, but let’s face it—without you, the music stops.

The Pros and Cons of Being a CEO

Here’s the upside: You’re in control. You get to orchestrate the workflow, set the tone, and ensure everything runs smoothly. You’re the unsung hero of the law firm, the go-to person for practically everything. The downside? Well, you’re also the go-to person for practically everything. It can feel like you’re balancing a hundred spinning plates, and if one drops, the whole thing could come crashing down.

So, How Do You Keep It All Together?

For me, the secret sauce was building systems and coping mechanisms. I learned to create workflows that made sense and stuck to them like glue. Lists became my best friend, and setting boundaries was essential. I figured out how to prioritize tasks so that nothing important slipped through the cracks. And yes, sometimes that meant embracing the chaos with a sense of humor because, let’s be honest, laughter really is the best medicine when you’re the Chief Everything Officer.

Embrace Your Inner CEO

So, to all the paralegals out there rocking the CEO role, know this: You’ve got what it takes. Sure, it’s challenging, and there will be days when you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. But you are the glue that holds it all together, and that’s no small feat. Embrace your role, build your systems, and take pride in being the Chief Everything Officer. After all, without you, the symphony wouldn’t play nearly as beautifully. Now, go out there, be the paralegal composer and make that symphony sing!

As you continue to embrace your role as the Chief Everything Officer, remember that you have powerful tools at your disposal. Does your firm have a Microsoft 365 subscription? If so, take a moment to explore your Microsoft 365 apps and leverage your firm’s SharePoint site at This intranet is designed to be your central hub—streamlining your workflow, organizing resources, and enhancing collaboration within your attorney. Don’t miss the opportunity to make the most of what’s already available to you. Dive in and see how these tools can further empower your daily work and help you keep that symphony playing beautifully.

Misty Murray

CEO | Litigation Paralegal & Coach

Arrow Consultants, LLC

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