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10 Tips for Your Law Firm’s SharePoint Intranet: Make It Work for You

Let’s be honest—SharePoint can be the MVP of your law firm’s tech stack, or it can be that dusty corner of the internet no one visits. But with a little attention, your firm’s SharePoint intranet can become the go-to hub that keeps everyone connected, informed, and efficient. Here are 10 tips to turn your SharePoint intranet from meh to marvelous!

Attorney talking to her team about the law firm's SharePoint intranet
Talk with your people and engage your team in this process.

1. Talk to Your People – They Know What’s Up

Before diving into the nuts and bolts of your intranet, start by talking to your team. They’re the ones who’ll be using it, so gather insights on what they really need—be it quicker access to documents, a space for firm news, or a central directory. This way, you’re not just guessing; you’re building something that’s tailored to your firm’s unique workflow.

2. Nail the Navigation

Once you know what your team needs, make sure they can find it! Good navigation is crucial—it should be simple, intuitive, and aligned with how your firm operates. Think of it as the roadmap to a clutter-free intranet. The easier it is to navigate, the more likely your team will use it regularly.

3. Brand It Like You Mean It

Your SharePoint intranet doesn’t have to be dull. Infuse it with your firm’s brand—use your colors, logos, and a splash of personality. Add some engaging imagery to make it a space where people actually want to spend time. A little visual appeal can go a long way in making the intranet feel like a natural extension of your firm.

Visual quick links for quick navigation to circuit court websites
Visual Quick Links are excellent navigation tools

4. Add Visual Quick Links – Because Easy Is Awesome

Once you’ve got the branding down, think about functionality. Create visual quick links to guide your team to the most-used resources and tools. These shortcuts are like having the best apps on your phone’s home screen—one click, and you’re there. It’s all about making life easier for your team.

5. Search Is King – Use It Well

Nobody has time to dig through layers of folders to find a single document. That’s where a well-implemented search function comes in. Ensure your search tool is robust and accurate, helping your team locate what they need in record time. Remember, in the legal world, time is money!

6. Fill Your Document Library – Think of It as Your Firm’s Secret Weapon

Your Document Library should be stocked with all the essentials—forms, templates, guides, checklists, and other firm resources. Having everything in one place not only streamlines operations but also makes it easier for your team to stay organized and efficient.

7. Build a Knowledge Base – A Treasure Chest of Wisdom

Creating a Knowledge Base filled with onboarding materials, firm policies, and best practices is like handing your team a treasure map. This is especially useful for new hires who need to get up to speed quickly, as well as for seasoned pros who need a quick refresher.

Attorney screen recording a 'how to' tutorial
Use Microsoft Stream for Screen Recordings

8. Add ‘How-To’ Videos and Desktop Guides

People learn in different ways. Some prefer reading, others watching. Cover all your bases by including ‘how-to’ videos and easy-to-reference desktop guides using Microsoft Stream and perhaps ClipChamp – yes, also a Microsoft product. These resources are invaluable for those “How do I…?” moments, making sure no one is stuck staring blankly at their screen.

9. Centralize Events, News, and Directories

Your intranet should be the first stop for firm-wide updates, events, and directories. Create a centralized space for these items to keep everyone in the loop. Got an expert databank with CVs, fee schedules, and depositions. Add it to your customized intranet! Did you hear about a new Court ruling that may impact one of your cases? Distribute the news easily using your centralized hub.

10. Train, Orient, and Repeat

Last, but not least, once your intranet is up and running, make sure everyone knows how to use it! Offer training sessions, create orientation materials, and remind your team regularly about the awesome resources available. The more familiar they are with the intranet, the more they’ll embrace it as part of their daily routine.

Final Thoughts for Your Law Firm's SharePoint Intranet

Your SharePoint intranet is more than just a digital filing cabinet—it’s a powerhouse tool that can streamline operations, boost communication, and even make work a little more enjoyable. With these tips, you’ll transform your intranet into a user-friendly, highly functional space that your team will actually enjoy using and contributing to. So go ahead, jazz it up, and watch your firm thrive!

If you’re ready to take your SharePoint skills to the next level, stay tuned for an upcoming workshop designed to help you build a game-changing intranet tailored specifically for legal practices. This workshop will guide you step-by-step through creating a central hub that empowers your team to manage cases, clients, and your practice more efficiently.

Need more personalized guidance? I’m here to help! Whether you’re looking to optimize your current SharePoint setup or need comprehensive guidance with your Microsoft 365 services, I’m just a message away. Let’s work together to unlock the full potential of your legal practice’s technology stack.

Misty Murray

CEO | Litigation Paralegal & Coach

Arrow Consultants, LLC

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